I captured some amazing photos of a Squirrel that just happened to come real close to me on the big fence.... Cool!
Plus... Rabbit, Doves, Wrens, Robins, Sparrows, Dog (Kipp) Flowers, Bird Feeders, Bird Houses, Yard Misc. Tree/Leaves and more.
I used 2 cameras. Primarily I used My Canon EOS-1D Mark II with Canon 75-300mm Lens & Tripod. But had my Canon EOS Rebel T5i and 18-55mm Lens & Triopod set to take photos automatically triggered my Motion Detection using Custom Firmware called Magic Lantern.
But for some reason barely any photos were taken , i think my Battery died.
Many more photo shoots and info and stuff to in future too.
http://Photos.DavidVoy.com is the main Website to remember for all my photos.